Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Look for Less: Baby Mod Olivia Crib v. Oeuf Classic Crib

So I was trolling my design blogs, as I often do early in the morning, when I happened upon a crib from Walmart called the Olivia Crib by Baby Mod:

This sort of reminded me of that show The Look for Less that Elizabeth Hasselbeck used to host before she went to The View (stick with fashion, Mrs. Hasselbeck, I loved you on The Look for Less...not so much on The View). Gosh I used to love that show. Anyway, this crib looked A LOT like the Oeuf Classic Crib:

There are obvious design differences, of course, but all cribs sold in the USA have to pass the same safety requirements, and for a third of the price, one can get a very very similar nursery look for a lot less. There's even a post on ohdeedoh on how to customize the crib feet.

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