Thursday, January 29, 2009

Baby's Progression in Ultrasounds...

I've had more ultrasounds than most, including a 5 week one that is not pictured below. At my doctor's office, it's better safe than sorry, so they like to check things out whenever there's a whisper of a concern. It's pretty cool to see how our baby is progressing, and so long as everything remains normal, it's going to be a long wait until our next ultrasound at 32 weeks. I thought I would share my baby's progression in ultrasounds!

Ultrasound, 6 weeks (10/3/2008)
Heartbeat: 113bpm. The pregnancy looks good, but not yet deemed viable by the doctor's office.

Ultrasound, 7 weeks (10/10/2008)
Heartbeat: 136bpm; head-to-rump: 0.945cm. The big circular thing on top is the yolk sac, the bean looking thing below that is the baby. At this point, it is deemed a viable pregnancy.

Ultrasound, 12 weeks (11/14/2008)
Heartbeat: 161bpm; head-to-rump: 6cm. Nuchal translucency testing looks great, ultrasound technician thinks she seems signs as to the sex of the baby, but the baby quickly crosses its ankles and refuses to let her confirm her suspicions.

Ultrasound, 16.5 weeks (12/15/2008)
Suspicions confirmed: it's a boy!

Ultrasound, 20 weeks (1/7/2009)
Heartbeat: 150bpm. Everything looks good with baby, who seemed annoyed at the intrusion during his anatomy scan! Estimated weight: 13oz, almost a pound!

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